Introducing Pretty Power in 24 Hours!

This exclusive six-week accelerator is designed for women from all walks of life – whether you’re a CEO, a stay-at-home mom, or an entrepreneur, the Pretty Power in 24 Hours six-week accelerator is designed to empower you to transform your presence and elevate your profits. While the entire program spans six weeks, the first 24 hours are crucial as they will jumpstart your transformation, setting the foundation for everything that follows. In just 24 hours, you’ll begin to harness the power of your image to create lasting impressions and drive your success.

Transform Your Presence, Elevate Your Profits.

Are you ready to step into the spotlight and command the attention and success you deserve?

I’m Michele Lopez, a celebrity stylist/designer and empowerment coach with over two decades of experience, and I have dedicated my career to helping women show up powerfully as their authentic selves and craft profitable images that lead to extraordinary success.

When I started out, I quickly learned that the way you present yourself to the world has a profound impact on how you’re perceived and how successful you can become. Crafting a powerful presence transformed my life. It wasn’t just about looking good – it was about being seen and heard, and making a lasting impact wherever I went.

This change didn’t just elevate my professional life; it transformed my personal life too. Relationships flourished, opportunities multiplied, and my confidence soared. I became not just successful but truly profitable.

With my proven strategies, I will help you build a personal brand that resonates, creates trust, and drives profitability in your life, too.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

Week 1:

Build Unshakeable Confidence

Master the skills to show up confidently in any situation, whether it’s a boardroom, a stage, or a casual encounter.

Week 2:

Craft Your Personal Brand Story

Create a compelling brand that speaks to who you are and how you want to show up in the world. Establish credibility and trustworthiness that will captivate your audience.

Week 3:

Define Your Unique Style

Discover how to use clothing, accessories, and makeup to tell a compelling story that resonates with your brand goals and aspirations.

Week 4:

Networking and Personal Branding

Develop strategies to expand your network and leverage your personal brand for success. Learn how to make powerful first impressions and build meaningful connections.

Week 5:

Monetize Your Presence

Turn your powerful image into profit by attracting opportunities and maximizing your earning potential.

Week 6:

Step into the Spotlight

It's your moment! You've done the work to elevate your confidence, redefine your style and personal brand, now it's time to show up in your power. Use your authentic presence to inspire, influence, and lead others, making a powerful impact in every space you enter.


Why You Need This Program.

As women, we are often judged within seconds of meeting someone. When you walk into a room, your presence should be so powerful that people are drawn to you. Your presence, confidence, and personal brand can open doors to opportunities you’ve only dreamed of. This program is not just about looking good; it’s about being seen, heard, and remembered. 


Exclusive Styling Techniques

Receive Practical tools and techniques to enhance your style and confidence.

Master Networking

Receive networking skills to build and maintain meaningful connections.

Elevated Self Awareness & Discovery

Gain profound insights into your identity, self-worth, and the confidence to express your true self.

Maximize Your Profitability

Gain tools and techniques to create a marketing plan that turns your presence into profit.

Personal Brand Mastery

Tailored strategies to develop a strong personal brand that reflects your true potential.

One -year access to the Refer Her community!

Enjoy ongoing support and resources in a thriving community to keep you evolving.


It’s time to invest in yourself.

Don’t let another day pass by without stepping into the powerful, confident woman you’re meant to be. Join the Pretty Power in 24 Hours accelerator and transform your image, elevate your confidence, and watch your personal and professional life, as well as your prosperity, flourish over the next six weeks and beyond.

This exclusive Pretty Power in 24Hrs Accelerator is valued at over $10,000.

As an introductory offer, I'm opening this invaluable program to you for only $1,997. You must act soon. Spaces are limited.
*Secure your spot today and begin your journey to become a more powerful and profitable you.

I'm Ready!

What Happens If You Never Discover Your Pretty Power?


Without pretty power, you may continue to feel undervalued and overlooked, missing out on career advancements and personal growth. 


Failing to recognize and harness your inner strength and beauty means not living up to your true potential, leaving your dreams and aspirations unrealized.


Without the tools to confidently use your voice, you may find it difficult to advocate for yourself and your goals, leading to unfulfilled needs and desires.